At Office Clearance Wiltshire we continually strive to operate in an environmentally responsible manner. We re-distribute seemingly end of life furniture and electrical equipment back in to the community. We do not promote the use of any landfill sites for items that are beyond re-use but we fully dismantle the furniture down to component form. When the items that are not able to be re-used they are recycled through recognised ISO14001 accredited recycling facilities and all of this information is recorded and proof is in the form of weight tickets from these facilities.
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) more than satisfies all elements of ISO 14000:2004 with continual improvements being made through monthly environmental meetings and implementation. Everyone at Office Clearance Wiltshire Ltd is environmentally aware and recognise the benefits of practicing in this manner.
We have an active environmental liaison officer who regularly communicates through each department. The continuous monitoring of energy consumption, office waste, excess purchasing of raw materials, heating and resources, vehicle and fuel usage are continually monitored and recorded.
We look at ways of re-modification of redundant furniture and constantly carry out market research to keep up to date with current fashions so that we can adapt oversize desks to be re-used once modified and put back into circulation rather than being destroyed.
We also employ French furniture polishers and re-upholsters to repair damaged furniture items so that it once again can be re-circulated into the market place for re-use rather than reaching its end of life cycle.
We opt to use likeminded companies for all our stationary and manufacturing supplies and we understand that this also plays an important role in the reduction to the damage on the environment.
We aim to re-use as much packaging material as is possible, to limit the use of raw material we offer to deliver a large percentage of our products through carefully planned deliveries with back loads and collections where possible.
We try to cut down the number of company vehicles used and reduce the number of site visits by co-ordinating our business over the telephone, through continued update of the website and through photographic information.
Planning to prevent environmental accidents and to minimise the use of substances and chemicals which can be hazardous to people or the environment are also paramount to the day to day operations.
We aim to continue the significant reduction in the waste and improve the operation of the company through the careful monitoring and greater environmental awareness through our staff.
As business leaders in our industry we are committed to the development of sustainable business practices that are currently up to date without compromise to the quality of our product or service.
Through prestigious monitoring, recording and staff awareness we aim to reduce our resources on energy usage and environmental impact further in 2010 by continually updating our current Environmental Management System (EMS).
We understand that for the future of our planet it is not all about making money and that our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) should be at the forefront of our business to enable our legacy to thrive and continue in the future
Approved by the Office Clearance Wiltshire Ltd Managing director Mr.P.Smith